I may not know it

Don't be afraid to let them show

Your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow
Walking gets too boring when you learn how to fly
Det kommer nog inte bli så mycket uppdaterat nu under helgen, för jag kommer vara ute! Men ha en bra helg!

Ser ni grodan?

Ser ni grodan?
Everything I need is right here by my side

You and I are painting pictures in the sky

I'm only me when I'm with you

Just another picture to burn

Sometimes you think you'll be fine by yourself

I know that you don't wanna hear it

Grabbing back all my power

Don't say you don't remember

Keep your eyes locked on mine

I know you better than you know yourself

You won't look in my eyes, tell me what's going on?

If you can't be honest with me, then I'm afraid this is the end

Hurry up, hurry up, if you ever really cared about me

It sheds some light on my day
Har putsat fönster för att samla in pengar till Operation Dagsverke. Nästan tur att jag är sån där "Ska man ändå göra det kan man lika gärna göra det ordentligt" - annars hade det väl inte blivit bra alls. Ja, ja, nu är jag typ ledig resten av dan, så jag är glad :)

I'm a lucky girl, whose dreams came true

We got something special, that should be enough

Girls just wanna have fun