Little did I know
Troligen ingen bloggning förrän tisdagen den 8:onde mars, men då men ca 1000 bilder! Ha're bäst!

En liten hint...

En liten hint...
"You look beautiful tonight"
Imorrn kväll. Då smäller det.

I've been trying to breath, but I'm fighting for air
You hear what I say when I don't say a word
You're allways there when everything falls apart
You are my rising sun, you're the place I run
When it's not easy, you make it worth it
There's no me without you
Me without you - Ashley Tisdale
Riktigt bra låt, men lyssna på texten
You're allways there when everything falls apart
You are my rising sun, you're the place I run
When it's not easy, you make it worth it
There's no me without you
Me without you - Ashley Tisdale
Riktigt bra låt, men lyssna på texten
When you say that you want me

Guess I should leave this behind, guess I should erase and rewind

You make me feel beautiful
GR8. Mitt nya favvo-uttryck. Och jag säger GR8, inte great.

My heart is wherever you are

You were supposed to be there by my side

You say you're noticing but you never see
Fixta naglarna! Tyvärr är de väldigt lika de förra ni såg, men jag hade ingen möjlighet att prova nåt nytt, eller, jag gjorde det, men det var meningslöst. Det blev katastroffult. Ja, ja, övning ger färdighet!
Den undre färgen är en ljuslila lavendel, men det syns knappt.

Den undre färgen är en ljuslila lavendel, men det syns knappt.
All said and all done

Resultatet av att jag leker med kameran... Jag fotar fullkomligt ointressanta och onödiga bilder....
You're allways ready to give up and never turn around

Would you even try to save me?
Gud vad dålig jag har blivigt på att blogga med jämna mellanrum. Jag har ju inget att fota!!!!!! BLÄ!!!!!!! Nej, nu får jag ta mig i kragen och fota ändå. Det kommer ju gå bra.....
You don't know the good things from the bad
What if I need you baby? Would you even try to save me?
Or would you find some lame excuse to never be true?
What if I said I loved you? Would you be the one to run to?
Or would you watch me walk away without a fight?
When I say that I want you, you know that I mean it
Every time I speak you try and stop me
'Cause every little thing I say is wrong
You say you're noticing but you never see
This is who I really am that you can't belive
You were supposed to be there by my side
What if - Ashley Tisdale
Or would you find some lame excuse to never be true?
What if I said I loved you? Would you be the one to run to?
Or would you watch me walk away without a fight?
When I say that I want you, you know that I mean it
Every time I speak you try and stop me
'Cause every little thing I say is wrong
You say you're noticing but you never see
This is who I really am that you can't belive
You were supposed to be there by my side
What if - Ashley Tisdale
I thought you were someone to rely on

Wish it could be tomorrow or even yesterday
Har man fototorka så har man, då följer man fototrenderna även om man inte vill.... Bokeh

All that I know is I'm breathing

When there was me and you
Fixat naglarna!
Foki style! Tittade in på Fokis blogg och hennes kategori Fokis Nails och blev väldigt inspirerad. Där hade jag en massa fina nagellack och ville bli bra på att fixa snygga naglar, det var bara att sätta igång! (Ledsen att det glänser i naglarna, det var svårt med ljuset)

Ganska bra blev de ändå :)
Foki style! Tittade in på Fokis blogg och hennes kategori Fokis Nails och blev väldigt inspirerad. Där hade jag en massa fina nagellack och ville bli bra på att fixa snygga naglar, det var bara att sätta igång! (Ledsen att det glänser i naglarna, det var svårt med ljuset)

Ganska bra blev de ändå :)
Last christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
-Last Christmas
But the very next day you gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
-Last Christmas
Turn a star into a galaxy
"Beauty is not in the face,
beauty is a light in the heart"
beauty is a light in the heart"
Make a little noise into a symphony